When it rains it pours!

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so been reading this thread for like three days... your a crazy ahole for doing such things hahah f*cking love it man makes me wanna cut up
my sh*t
so been reading this thread for like three days... your a crazy ahole for doing such things hahah f**cking love it man makes me wanna cut up
my sh*t

I appreciate the sentiment. When I walk by it I kinda feel the same way.... a devilish smile comes over my face!

I've always said it and continue to believe it, "You don't learn very much swimming in the kiddie end of the pool". If you don't take some risks you'll never learn anything at all.
I completely agree I'm more of a do it and see what happens than a wonder about it

All of the things I have done have been in good sound belief that they would work. I'm not just completely shooting in the dark on most of these things (a few were just wild ideas), just trying stuff that most others won't.

Speaking of which, I need to go outside and remove the head from the dragger engine. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH!


O-ringed head- cool. Any advantage over stock? I almost forgot about the double plug!

The advantage is that it should be able to be replacable easily without reannealing a head gasket. The disadvantage is that it may need replacement right often! We'll have to test and see how it holds up under "race conditions" LOL!
O-ring groove is a very good ideal. I learned about them from guys trying to run boost in their Mustangs.
It was also the only thing that worked to seal the head on my 400 Blasty.
Smart move sir B)
O-ring groove is a very good ideal. I learned about them from guys trying to run boost in their Mustangs.
It was also the only thing that worked to seal the head on my 400 Blasty.
Smart move sir B)

The o-ring is the easy part, I ordered a bag of 10. The trouble is making the tool to cut it on the lathe and getting the groove exactly the right size.... Once I had the groove measured out perfectly, the o-ring dropped right in and bolted down.
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