Rebuilding two blasters

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looking good man. you tuned it for the pipe yet? wondering if you're satisfied with it.

i wish they sold that hood in blue w/ black scoop. i'd be on that, but man they sure do cost alot.
Thanks guys, Blckblzr they do have the blue with black scoop if u want them. I havent got it tuned yet. As u said before when u make plans something always happens. Im waiting on a larger pilot jet to come in and I had to go out of town so i didnt have a chance to do anything else to it but while i was gone i did stop by Snyder motor sports and meet those guys. Shawn was nice enough to give me a tour of the place so that was cool
I can't remember exactlly how much it was. I'm sure the price is on his website. The link is in my sig
Pilot jet came in today, going to be putting that in tonight and hopefully gettin everything tuned sunday. im excited to see what this thing will do
Well no tuning for me sunday. Idots ordered the wrong pilot....again. I even took the stock jet to them so they could see it and they still got it wrong....TWICE. This time it will be right tho i picked it out of the book and showed them this time lol
Finally got to ride this thing. I got alot of carb tuning to do, need a bigger pilot and prob a smaller main. Only rode it for a min but it seems pretty peppy.