Your security

holy guns lol. i usually chain mine up somewhere onto the trailer and chain the trailer to a tree if it aint locked to my car. now that i think of it, i should have it locked inside my garage too. first of all, it doesnt have a key but they dont help much anyway, but mostly my garage is sketch and it has opened before a couple times for unknown reasons. but it also has a number pad thing on it so i dont trust that either. now that its worth alot more than i bought it for, im going to insure it for how much its worth, not just liabilty.
wow you guys worry to much.. half the time i leave my keys in my truck... no matter where i am... my blaster dont need a key any more. but has atoggle hidden on it but i always forget to switch it off... the trail boss sits in the garage with the key in it to.. if ppl can figure out how to start my two strokes more power to them lol
im not worried about mine but i do live in the ghetto so you cant trust nobody a car was stolen from right in front of my house 2 minuits after i got out of it the crooks in my part of town are quick you gotta be on your toes where im from lol
Not much we can do "Pray"
You are liky in the US, in south africa we are not aloud to have guns for self protection any more, you are aloud to own hunting rifles if you prove that you are a pro hunter, only under x-treme comditions are you aloud to have a shotgun or handweapon.
And even then if you catch an intruder in your own house you WILL BE ARRESTED if you beat him ask me i know.
Criminals are run our country, our next president were up for rape and has like 300 corruption charges against him
We will see how he runs the country , but at least he knows how to cure aids, in his rape trail he said you just take a shower, How is that coming from one's "leader"
Everything sits in my locked garage. Streetbikes always have the keys pulled but I don't think I've ever taken the keys out of my quads. Trailer is backed up to my garage door and locked with a cable that runs inside under the garage door. Next to that is my truck. If someone wants to steal any of my goodies they'll first have to move my truck and the trailer to squeeze anything out.

I live alone so at least it's some line of defense when I'm away at work. I have a work truck so my personal stays up against the garage.

I believe in the right to own a gun, but enough of the "I'll shoot anyone on my property" crap. No you won't, and if you did, deal with that guilt because someone wanted to take your $1000 blaster.
I believe in the right to own a gun, but enough of the "I'll shoot anyone on my property" crap. No you won't, and if you did, deal with that guilt because someone wanted to take your $1000 blaster.

Yea a blaster is worth 25-Life.... The only person that is worth killing would be someone that threatened me or my family. Personal possessions can be replaced. After all it is just money.
In the uk quads always get nicked even if you live in a nice safe quiet village, i know people who have 2 ground anchors with heavy duty chains and padlocks, disk locks alarms and four dead locks on the doors of their garages have their quads nicked.

I've got 2 pro series padlocks on the door of my garage that you can't cut through, (they cost like $70 each) disk lock, bike chain, 2 steel cables with a padlock, ground anchor, motion sensor light, my trailer and car in front of the garage doors and the people living next door have several cctv cameras that look at our drives. Ohh and steel gates with padlocks at the end of my drive.
In my lil area here it isnt to bad, mostly older retired people, im probally the youngest person who lives in my "general area"! but iv never had any problems here, i leave the keys in my truck all night, all day at work and our front door is almost always unlocked! I have a great dane and a large selection of guns too, but i wouldnt ever get any out unless i really thought i needed it! but my parents live intown, about 10 miles from me and i had a set of rims stolen that i was gonna leave there for 1 night, i left them beside their storage building and the next moring they were gone, found the center caps in the bushes when we trimmed them. Now that pissed me off, my dad just bought them for me and they were like $600. So now i have insurence on everything i own!
I use a big lock through my sprocket.It stays locked in the shed which is alarmed (windows and doors) and I have 2 security cameras on my house.One camera on my back gate and one one the shed.I live in a great area and should not have to worry but there are thieves everywhere and I sleep better knowing it is secured.Plus the alarm system and cameras were free from the job.There is nothing wrong owning a legal gun.They are for protection and security.If it was presented that my wife and kids and I were confronted with a gun and I had one also I would be the first to shoot at the mofo and I would not have one bit of regret.Not saying guns are good but what comes around goes around.I only use my gun for hunting and making
I have a big german shepherd, a locked garage door, a bunch of guns and the axle and bearing carier is off so it would be a biotch to steal=))=))
In the uk quads always get nicked even if you live in a nice safe quiet village, i know people who have 2 ground anchors with heavy duty chains and padlocks, disk locks alarms and four dead locks on the doors of their garages have their quads nicked.

I've got 2 pro series padlocks on the door of my garage that you can't cut through, (they cost like $70 each) disk lock, bike chain, 2 steel cables with a padlock, ground anchor, motion sensor light, my trailer and car in front of the garage doors and the people living next door have several cctv cameras that look at our drives. Ohh and steel gates with padlocks at the end of my drive.

i know its bad up in scotland too its not even just random thefts there all stole to order here although were my quad is kept is quite secluded so i should be alright
its murder no mater how you set it up a friend had a guy hold him at gunpoint in his own house an the guy went to the car for whatever stupid reason an when he came back in the house an my friend cut him in half with a shotgun an still had to do 2 years in jail theres no self defense loophole any more

as far as protecting the blaster i keep mine in the garage i also have a 150 lb rottweiler in case i have to dispose of any bodies i really really like my guns lol I:I

well cause i mean he blew the f*ckin sh*t out of the dude u can still hurt them some wayI:I
I have two boxers. One is retarded. A fatass dad, and a garage with a numb-pad. Its really hard to bypass it too. Plus I live in a little town NOONE has ever heard of, even if you live in it.