

Nov 27, 2009
Greene County Pa.
I am hoping this thread will give us all lots of ideas as far as what to use and different alternatives as far as technique's,tricks etc..

I'm personally looking into building a decent size sand blasting bench.. something i can fit a quad frame parts etc..

So im going to ask..

If you were doing your blaster frame what medium would you use??

ideas and info PLEASE.. and try to keep it focus'd please..I'm sure many would like to learn..
silica sand works good, but where a breathing apperatis (spl) because the dust is bad for your looking at building a cabinet or like just a room and get one of those sand blasters that spray everywhere
black beauty medium grit is great. its inexpensive and works quick but not to harsh. aluminum oxide works just as well but is reall expensive. sand works okay and is the cheapest.
i used black beauty and the craftsman sandblaster that is just like a hopper that holds like 10lbs of media and did it at work in the parking lot. its dirty but works the fastest
Yea i want to have something large enough to do my frame in.. i also work with automotive stuff so a good cabinet would be nice.. im getting ready to wire in a 210 connection to my garage and just cleaned it out well.. its already got power but im getting ready to roll in a nice compressor and need 210..

what is the rubber media for anyway?... someone mentioned it in another thread. or was it plastic?
I blast in the open air.
I use '000' grade sand @ around 120psi.
I use about 5 bags of sand to do a frame at $5 a bag.


I made a few calls and found my buddy as an old iron tub.. its deep and already has a few holes for the plumbing.. so now im thinking..

make a box to fit over it and use mine belt to seal the rim all the way around..its 2.5 ft wide but i can cutt it to whatever using a razor knife. there's tons they toss away in the trash..

im sure its gotta be a biotch to cutt through iron with tourches.. or does it go through it ok???..remember.. its a cast iron bathtub old as hell..

i could fit alot in that..
the one i have is made of like a pvc type plastic material, all sealed up. i use black beauty. my cabinet isnt big enough to do a frame however, wish it was. if i wanna do a frame i open air blast with a gravity feed blaster....doesnt work good at all. love the cabinet. if you build a cabinet, put a fan on the back, some way to vent the dust out, other wise you'll be cleaning the window a ton...also careful when cleaning, cuz they are easy to scratch. ours is plexi. you almost have to take it off and use water and cleaner so the dust doesnt scar it up...