Need help jetting 35pwk!!!!!!!!!


Built not bought
Feb 10, 2012
All mods are in sig. I started out with a 158. I thought that would be a little rich. I did a WOT 1st-6th plug chop with a brand new plug. I got it back in the garage and chopped the threads off it. It was a light gray. Really lean. I put the air tester on it and found a leak at the exhaust flange. I fixed the leak and it held 7lbs for 30 min. I then put in a 162 and it barely changed the color on the plug. This motor is fresh from ken occonor and doesn't even have an hour on it.

I ride at sea level. Piliot jet is 42 and a cel needle. Does the needle affect the plug shop at all? I just don't understand why I'm not getting to the cardboard brown color. At this rate I will have a 170 jet. Just doesnt seem right. Any help is appreciated.
that 42 sounds lean, i run a 48 in my 34pj, most 35's i've seen listed use a 50/52 pilot.

the other circuts only color the plug if you rode it back to the garage with that same plug in, it must be shut down at WOT, then a different plug installed for the ride back ?

all circuts below effect the above jetting ranges.
how many turns out on the airscrew to acheive high idle ?
what needle and clip setting ? ("cel" or "dgh" needle is required on these blasters)
start at the bottom and work up
float height, airscrew/pilot adjustment, adjust needle richer till it falls on it's face, then back down one clip position.
then and only then can you do WOT plug chops.

in this order \/

needle by feel, or 1/2 to 3/4 plug chops
Thanks. I will try the 50 again. When I first put the motor in I started with a 52. I couldn't even get it to start! I will follow your post to a "t" and post results as soon as I start on it. Hopefully tomorrow. Just starting to get frustrated. The idle doesn't really change with the airscrew. Hopefully I can get it to start with the 50. It smokes a good bit at idle now.
unchanged idle with airscrew adjustments is the first sign the pilot is wrong, i usually jump 2 sizes, in your case larger, and try again.
and yes, jetting is one of the most frustrating things to learn.
once you try different things get a feel for what changes do what, you'll be on here helping others too 1

check this search for what other 35mm users have found........
First problem is solved. I measured the float level like you said. It was 22mm! I bent them to 16mm. I made it so they were seated but not depressing the spring. I will continue to post results so it cam help others. Now on to the pilot. I will try a 52 since I ride at sea level.
First problem is solved. I measured the float level like you said. It was 22mm! I bent them to 16mm. I made it so they were seated but not depressing the spring. I will continue to post results so it cam help others. Now on to the pilot. I will try a 52 since I ride at sea level.

YES !!!!
find the pilot that resonds to the airscrew at under 2 turns, then onto 1/2-3/4 throttle runs to tune that needle clip setting, WOT plug chop
and your on your way to becoming a jetting guru
Well here is the update. I settled on a 55 pilot. The air screw is at it highest at 2 and 1/4 turns. Going to mess with the needle and main tomorrow. Your link made this self explanitory. I guess the float height was throwing me off.
that 2-1/4 airscrew setting is a little high but acceptable,
prolly get away with one lower ?, or may need to drop one size for warmer summer temps ?
As I was going up in pilot sizes the amount of turns out was decreasing. I had the 50 in there and highest idle was about 3.5 turns out. To get it down to 2 turns out I would have to go up in pilot sizes, right? That was how I interpreted it.
As I was going up in pilot sizes the amount of turns out was decreasing. I had the 50 in there and highest idle was about 3.5 turns out. To get it down to 2 turns out I would have to go up in pilot sizes, right? That was how I interpreted it.

no, the richer the jet, the more air it needs mixed in, turning the airscrew out adds more air to the circut to lean it to the correct air/fuel ratio
a leaner jet should need less air mixed in, by turning the screw in, to achieve the correct A/F ratio.
.5 turns out is less air than 2.5 turns out
confusing sometimes.

your results are ok, nothing wrong with 2-1/4 turns out, but the next size down may only require 1.5 turns out, which allows you room for daily adjustments if needed for temp/humidity/elevation changes if ever needed.
and still be under the recommended 2 turns out.
i hate jetting with a passion but when u get it dialed in its a nice relief, my advice is what i do is jet a tad on the rich side, gives u room for temp changes
My bike is crazy then! I have a 52 if needed. I might try that again tomorrow. I could have swore that one had it's highest idle around 3 too. So I just do the needle by feel? I have a cel in there now. I also have a dgh. I guess I'm just looking for a smooth transition from pilot to needle?
That's why I'm glad it's cold out. If I get it dialed in good now it will be a little rich for summer. Doesn't fix the big problem though. NO WHERE TO F-ING RIDE!!!!!!!!
put the dgh in there, i think thats what i got in mine and its 1.5 turns, im not jetted correctly all the way since im coming from wa, but i think i got a 52 in there and a 158 from wa riding
I'm confused lol. AWK this is the link you sent me. It says if you are past 2.5 turns to put a richer pilot in.

if the highest idle setting is below 1/2 turn out, you need a smaller/leaner pilot jet.
if highest idle setting is above 2-1/2 turns out, you need a richer/larger pilot jet.
if the airscrew settings have no effect on the idle you need to jump a couple sizes either direction until you find one that the airscrew setting will have an effect on using the known jet sizes for various carbs as a guide
That would be awesome! I grew up in edgewater. It's about 10 min from Annapolis. There used to be all kinds of places to ride. Now it kinda sucks.
yeahi live in edgewater, it takes me about 20 min to get to work in annapolis on base to the front door, which isnt too bad, mostly highway, im right off highway 214 called mayo rd.
i like the "dgh" in my 34pj, others (mostly top end seekers) like the "cel"

you can do 1/2-3/4 plug chops to jet the needle,
i just like to start on the middle clip setting, do one run only to see how it feels, then move the clip down one slot to feel if it gets richer and falls on it's face, if it's still pulling hard, move it down more....make it fall on its face, so you know where rich is, then back off one position.

once set, you can also do small (1/8th) turns to the airscrew to make the transition smooth and rev clean