My Trippy Pool

i used to smoke ALLLL the time.. now its just on occasion, but i think its stupid to do anything except chill when ur high.. haha because ur not only putting yourself in danger but the people around you too
*shakes his head*

whatever.. it's your life and your physical well being. do with it as you please. but when you smack a tree and f*ck yourself up, don't say it was because you were high. say it's because you were stupid and not paying attention. and when they test your blood at the hospital, make sure you tell them you weren't high when riding. the last thing anybody who wants marijuana decriminalized (not legalized) wants is for you to give the conservatives more ammunition.

and what you guys are wanting is decriminalization, not legalization. beer is legal. tobacco is legal... meaning there are laws governing it's usage, sale and possession. decriminalized means it's not a crime to do it.. and there are no laws governing it.

Marijuana Law Reform - NORML don't just smoke and bullshit about what you wish. get involved.

NORML supports the removal of all penalties for the private possession and responsible use of marijuana by adults, including cultivation for personal use, and casual nonprofit transfers of small amounts. This policy, known as decriminalization, removes the consumer -- the marijuana smoker -- from the criminal justice system.
i'm not going to argue the difference between alcohol and THC. i am a heavy user and i promote responsible marijuana usage. much like you guys, it takes alot for me to get a decent buzz on, and the days of a goofy, giggling, world spinning high are behind me. i can't think of anything i can't do high, and i can think of a few things that i can do better with a good buzz. i rarely drink, and when i do, it's 2 or 3 beers max.

but we're talking about responsible usage. nothing you are going to say is going to convince me, a heavy weed smoker and NORML supporter, that getting high and riding your quad is anything resembling responsible usage. in my eyes, what you are doing is working against everything pro-marijuana activists have worked for decades to achieve. Right now, there is legislation being discussed to decriminalize marijuana on a federal level. this is the closest to making it "legal" that we have been since it was criminalized. being blatently irresponsible is like giving a big finger to every person who has stood up and worked to get us to this point.

honestly, i don't know you from Adam, and could give a sh*t less about your physical well being. i'm not trying to save your life or keep you out of harms way. natural selection has been short circuted by the human race and our increasingly imposing safeguards against danger and lack of common sense. If some fool ignores common sense, and dies as a result, well that's natural selection and i won't loose a wink of sleep over it. but it's people who smoke irresponsibly like you speak of that make it so hard for the rest of us to convince the government to reform marijuana laws.
ok i get where ur comin from but people die all the time from drinking n driving but alcohol still not illegal the major reason the government wont legalize it is because they cant tax it n make their money