my $200 blaster project

My last blaster I had used that exact piston. Worked great until the skirt broke off. You sure they were mixing the right amount of oil?
when i sold the blaster to my uncle it had about 1/2 tank of 93 octane mixed 32:1 with maxima super m. i told him 32:1 with good oil. but i have no idea what he topped off the tank with
even if he put crap walmart chainsaw or outboard oil in it doesnt seem to be a oil issue. if you look at the picture of the crank there is plenty of oil in there. i believe it was a defective piston but im not 100% sure.
it is still on its first tank of fuel. and have not went past 3/4 throttle. so the main jet size has no affect.
I apologise for jumping the gun on the plug chop!

I am not so sure about a defective piston, even an expensive quality piston will burn away with the heat of a too lean a mix.

Where was the needle set, is it the stock needle?

Was float level set and the idle adjusted as per specs before you rode it?

Was too much oil put in the pre mix leaning out the mixture?

I am grasping at straws, but was the header pipe leak free?

Has the oil injection nipple seal failed?

Was the carb cap tight, did an inlet hose drop off.

Did you find anything that could have caused a lean mixture.

It is oblivious that the piston was melted!
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the needle was in the middle position.the float level was set to correct specs and so was the idle. i am unsure if too much oil was put in, i will look into that once i get home from school today. the header was leak free. the oil injection nipple seal did not fail. and the carb cap was tight.
Yes I saw the oil pooling at the bottom, so I know there was some in there. If he did mix good 2 stroke oil and some weedwacker crap.

Could there have been a bad reaction between the 2 causing such a lean condition?

Piston melted down the side, could it have overheated by sitting too long?

Could it also be possible that the lubrication of the piston was sub par?

What is the white stuff under the head gasket? And did you remove the dowel pins? or do these kits not use dowel pins?
That sucks man, you might have broken my record for the least amount of time between a rebuild and an exploded piston. At least I went with a Wiseco. No matter how cheap they are, I would never run a cast piston in my stuff just because of exactly what happened to you.

Stuff happens, and if something goes wrong I'd rather have a Wiseco in than a Namura or any other cast piston. Then again, I'm probably just another Wiseco touting nincompoop :eek:
to me it loos like it was way too lean. Are you sure it didn't blow a base gasket or maybe an intake gasket leaking, crank seal? Idk, but that sucks. Or maybe it was just a little bit lean and that piston was just a piece of sh*t ad couldn't stand the heat.
I would like to see a picture of the head as well.

to me it loos like it was way too lean. Are you sure it didn't blow a base gasket or maybe an intake gasket leaking, crank seal? Idk, but that sucks. Or maybe it was just a little bit lean and that piston was just a piece of sh*t ad couldn't stand the heat.
and it didnt blow a gasket. it held 7 psi for about 15min.
my uncle said he "might have been alittle heavy handed on the oil." is it possible that mixing too much oil could cause this much destruction? i know too much oil will cause a lean condition but i didnt think it would do this much damage.
my uncle said he "might have been alittle heavy handed on the oil." is it possible that mixing too much oil could cause this much destruction? i know too much oil will cause a lean condition but i didnt think it would do this much damage.

I'm guessing your Uncle thought that since it was new, More oil in the mix would be a good idea........It definitly wasn't. That extra oil means less gas, which intern means more heat...detonation..bad stuff...

That totally sucks boss, there looks to be pieces of it everywhere on that crank and in the cases.
I rebuilt it after the first meltdown. Leak tested before and after break in. Did heat cycles and ran 2 tanks of fuel through it at no more than 3/4 throttle. So I know it is 100%. Well anyways I after I broke it in. I gave it back to my uncle and THE SAME EXACT THING HAPPENED.

But I know know the cause of the meltdowns now, my cousin is a 11 year old girl that rides around at about 10,000rpm in first or second gear.

But gladly me and my uncle have come to the conclusion that a blaster is not the right quad for her. No now the blow up blaster is mine.
Oh wow! Yup, that will do it. I see anything 90 cc or less in her near future with some sort of auto clutch. Maybe with a throttle limiter as well so no full throttle accidents.