Going to look at a 2004 Raptor 660 anything to look out for?

Dec 29, 2014
The Netherlands
I'm going to look at an 2004 raptor 660 tomorrow.
I am going to trade it with my kx 250,
the rappy doesn't run, the guy says something with the stator, the starter and engine do run but it won't start, the thing looks pretty nice from the pictures,
onto my question:
Are there any special things I have to look out for with this quad?
Are there any special things I have to look out for with this quad?

that doesn't sound like a good trade to me, running KX250 for non running, maybe fried, craptor 660 :eek:

I've heard some of the 660's had trans problems, years ?,
the nuetral safety switch and reverse switches on known for problems, but are easy fixes.
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my son and I have owned 3 660's. and currently have one. The dual carbs can be a pain to jet/tune. One carb feeds two intake valves, and the other feeds 1. This is a five valve motor. The carbs are the same size, but use different size jets...
Also check the vin on the frame AND motor to make sure it's not an 01. The 01's had a bad design on transmission and they all will fail eventually. 2nd gear is usually the first to go. The CDI has rev limiters for neutral, reverse, and parking brake. Also has speed limiter. Wiring can be a pain if its been poorly modified.
Starter clutches "one-way" bearings all fail eventually, but not too bad of fix.

IMO if the stator coil is bad, it failed because something else is wrong with the wiring. check it over real good. Do a compression test if you can. If it ran out of oil or something it will be $$$$$

These are top heavy machines, but are a blast to drive. Crazy torque.
Also rear carrier bearings can be a real pain to change.
Running for non running doesn't sound right to me either. With it not running you don't really have any idea what your getting. I say hold out and something better will come up..

A stator for that is like $40 if it really is the stator ask the seller to fix it because you want to hear it run first. It's easy to say "its the stator, easy cheap fix" but meanwhile if /when it does run it could smoke and sound like a diesel and have more serious issues. You never know dealing with something not running. <<< especially trans problems.
I have been trying to sell my KX for like 5 months now with no luck, I have never owned a raptor and if I don't like it I'll sell it, Raptors are more valuable than KX's here,
He said it has electrical problems, maybe the stator or the start relais.
he also says the 660's are more solid than the 700's?
So I did the trade, reason being that I wanted a 4 stroke quad for quite a while now, the starter runs the engine to it just wont fire, She has compression, and I don't hear any bad noises.
My dad and I will look at it tomorrow, the guy I traded with didn't know anything about bikes (or he was a good actor) so I got a feeling it'll run tomorrow.
about the quad:
It has Protaper bars and a DG bumper
There is some play on the upper A-arm bushings. and the swinger.
It has a WE2 silencer (White brothers)
rear tires are still good
the rims are in mint condition as far as I could see

I think I did a pretty good deal considering the KX only cost me like 300 euros and a lot of time and love
My options right now are:
Plan A: Fix it, love it, Ride it
Plan B: Fix it, hate it, sell it
plan c: I can't fix it, take apart, sell in pieces> profit?
Plan d: haven't gotten so far, I hope plan A is sufficient

I'll take some proper pics tomorrow
Forgot to post, I got her running, pretty odd, It wouldn't start, I took out the plug, placed it back in and she started first click, But I managed to break the main jet (I was really careful and hardly put any pressure on it but it just snapped) so I'll have to buy those :(
Goede dag!
I had a 2003 660 Raptor:


One ride on my son's Blaster and I put the Raptor up for sale and started looking for my own Blaster.
The KX was too powerful? Wow, the Raptor is like the Chrysler Hemi of quads.
Mine would do wheelies at any speed. Ironically, the Blaster I built was even faster.


I looked at the weight and complexity and cost of any repair and made the leap to the Blaster.
2Poker76 has very accurate advice. I would tell you the same things.
Not starting could be one of the many safety switches.
As for the rear carrier, he is right again.
And repairs can be very expensive so keep up the maintenance.

working on your dutch I see?
Yesterday i was working on the front end, And I discovered that the Right wheel is hitting the lower A-arm, The problem has been there longer because there is a dent in the arm, so something is wrong, maybe the frame is bent, I'm going to look at the steering next weekend (I have no time this week because of school :( )
I also found out there is hardly any oil in the tank, (I should have checked it before I started it but I somehow forgot, probably to exited)

and she is still backfiring, I changed out the jet, spark plug and I cleaned the carbs, I think its the valves because the rocker-arms have quite a lot of play, I'll also adjust the valves next weekend
