general question...


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
Eastern Canada
when stopping quickly from lets say.. 4th gear, is it okay to downshift multiple times? ie. your in 4th and u pull the clutch in and kick the shifter down TWICE then let the clutch back out and you're in 2nd. Does this do anything bad to the engine,etc?
BAD idea. dont do that you could end up blowing the engine. 1 gear at a time unless your using the brake and you know your speed/gear timing well.
yep,bad idea,unless your like : Going in 4th pull the cluth in and slow down,then you can shift down,but you gotta know your timing well, i do that all the time cuz i know the timing
it all depends on how high of a drop it is, if when you let out the clutch it revs to the sky, dont do that, but if it just revs up a little your fine. its all about how much momentum is behind you when you do it.