Anybody Else Play?? MW3 WW3

just what the world needed, another game for little kids to shoot people in virtual reality and think they can go to Iraq and really be a soldier. MW3 is exactly what you said it is, a game that will be obsolete by next year and be another wasted $60. You got a Blaster or some other off road vehicle, go outside. WAY more fun.
just what the world needed, another game for little kids to shoot people in virtual reality and think they can go to Iraq and really be a soldier. MW3 is exactly what you said it is, a game that will be obsolete by next year and be another wasted $60. You got a Blaster or some other off road vehicle, go outside. WAY more fun.

i hear ya man, i only play games when i can't ride from injuries, its late and i have nothing to do, i'm sick or something like that.... i hate when people like my brother waste their life for video game, he sits inside all day on a nice day playing some sh*t called 'minecraft' and doesn't accomplish anything, then complains when life doesn't go perfect for him, i know plenty of people that do that, video games aren't a lifestyle cause its not very often that someone makes a living off them, video games are a pass time for the easily bored people in this world like me
i hear ya man, i only play games when i can't ride from injuries, its late and i have nothing to do, i'm sick or something like that.... i hate when people like my brother waste their life for video game, he sits inside all day on a nice day playing some sh*t called 'minecraft' and doesn't accomplish anything, then complains when life doesn't go perfect for him, i know plenty of people that do that, video games aren't a lifestyle cause its not very often that someone makes a living off them, video games are a pass time for the easily bored people in this world like me

yep, I usually only play during the winter... I have played maybe 10 hours all summer lol...
basing games around the "same game" logic makes no sense at all, video games progress just as movies cars and what have you. You wanna know why people change, try and play MW1 or WAW now, the servers are so old, fkd up and tantalized my 90 yr old gramma would lose patience. The concept is sound. A FPS is a FPS. Nuff said
COD has become like madden, released every year with hardly anything new just a few new maps. Battlefield is head and shoulders above it
And second on GW3, just finished that game and the campaign blows away any COD campaign ever ... period. Though Gears attraction is campaign and is third-person while MW's attraction IMO is multiplayer and it is first person...

I'm hoping they keep zombies on MW3 anyone have word on that?
First part I'm hopeing on that second part I know it's unbeatable but you should be able to although I did like the extenction package where you get to play the map with Mega Zombie George
waw and black ops were both jokes.
Yep never played them what so ever.....
just what the world needed, another game for little kids to shoot people in virtual reality and think they can go to Iraq and really be a soldier. MW3 is exactly what you said it is, a game that will be obsolete by next year and be another wasted $60. You got a Blaster or some other off road vehicle, go outside. WAY more fun.
From the the first period you sounded exactly like my mother (not ment as a bad thing what so ever just stateing an observation) Second part yea probably will be. Thats why I'm takeing my PS1 and Gamecube in to the local Allied record's exchange (it's like a gamestop that gives you more money for your tradeins)and tradeing them in for cash so I can finally get my norman 420 spindles so I can get my Black and Yellow project on all fours for the first time in 3 months (Ive been useing a milk crate) and be finished (look out in the build thread :D
yep, I usually only play during the winter... I have played maybe 10 hours all summer lol...
Same here eather winter or very early spring like 20 Hrs except when I'm visiting over at my cousins cause he has a wireless router to play online and we do that over the weekend from like say 10am -2am for like 2 or 3 days.
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I'm pickin it up tomorrow, my brother pre ordered it. We'll see how it turns out. And BTW, I Loved WaW, Modern Warfare, and Black Ops the best. Cant get enough. Hated MW2.... I dont like Infinity Wards sh*t, Treyarch is where its at!