Working out?

I've been working out steady for 2 years now . I'm 6' 205lbs i was 230lbs. I like to take Jack3d before I work out, I like Sizeon for creatine, for my protien I ve been taking GNC amp 60grams of protien for serving. also multivitamins fish oil and ZMA.
for someone ur size u want to bulk then cut, so no cardio or if u want to do cardio keep it to a minimal, ive been working out hard for 6 yrs, the biggest thing is protein, like boiled eggs, egg whites, extremely high in protein, good for the muscles, i reccomend the 5x5 workout 4 times a week, once a week max out lift until u cant do one more rep. i can give u some workouts if u want they are some pretty good ones, i reccomend taking no x plode before every workout and drink protein shakes at least 3 times a day at a minimal, i was at 225 and i am 5 ft 8, i had to cut the 30 lbs because according to the navy standards i was "fat" but i was around 6 perc body fat, but my neck wasnt thick enough. is an addiction man, once u start feeling results from all ur hard work u never want to stop.
Shoot, i worked at a feed mill for like 8 years liftin 100# bags of feed, but mostly 50 and 75 pounders. Weighed in at 135 for the longest time. Now, we lost the mill a year ago and im constantly cutting wood and making my own feed. Only gained 5#'s since. But im a very active person. Never realy did any workouts, cause im workin all the time.
Shoot, i worked at a feed mill for like 8 years liftin 100# bags of feed, but mostly 50 and 75 pounders. Weighed in at 135 for the longest time. Now, we lost the mill a year ago and im constantly cutting wood and making my own feed. Only gained 5#'s since. But im a very active person. Never realy did any workouts, cause im workin all the time.

I do the same thing at a feed mill in florida but i drink Muscle Milk in the morning on the way to work with a whey protein shake for lunch and after my workout every day as he said befor i work out one group of muscles a dayevery day and rest sunday and monday.