white smoke


New Member
Jul 30, 2010
Hey Guys

just a small question, after my rebuild with new gaskets, seals, bore, hone, split case i have a problem with white smoke!! Is it really just the crank shaft seal or is there another possibility for a oilleak into the crankshaft area??

Greetz Ihno
need to do a leakdown to pinpoint the leak

unless you used 4 stroke on the bearings when you put it together?
just 1 week ago!!
I maked a leak down test but had a huge leak at the reed cage, so i had no change to figure out if there is another leak!! is there a connection between the tranny and the crankshaft area, or is it completley seald??

"unless you used 4 stroke on the bearings when you put it together?"
what do you mean with that??
a blown headgasket on a blaster wont do much since it doesn't keep anything from anything.
maybe you are running your premix super rich? maybe you have a blown crank seal.
If you used 4 stroke oil to lube the crank when you put it together, it most likely smoke until it gets burned off. I doubt it though, replace both bearing seals on the crank, thats probably the reason. make sure to lube the new seals up because when you start it first, there is a small chance of it shredding the seal again. if you have found a leak between the cylinder and the bottom end though, use a new base gasket (i prefer stock), and use some Yamabond or Hondabond, whatever you have....It should be pretty to put together.
i think the mistake which i did is that i didnt cleaned up the area where the crankshaft seal is... so there is probably rubber from the old seal!! i check that tomorrow when i get my new sealing kit!!
where was the white smoke comin from cause i have white smoke comin out of the exhaust is that a pro?

Thats the only place white smoke would be coming from, is exhaust. The white smoke is from burning transmission oil and usually a clutch side crank seal. But i would go ahead and replace both of them...
check the seals our bike had white smoke first start by the way and it took off full throttle for a good 10 minutes with a brand new wsm cheap piston in it
I get white smoke after my quad has been sitting for a few months between riding seasons. Usually goes away after 5 minutes or so of riding and I figure it's just extra 2-stroke oil that's burning off.