what you guys use for torquing?

May 18, 2012
Hi guys wondering what you use to torque the cylinder down? i was looking at a torque spanner set on ebay but they only sell 17mm to 22mm and its no good with cylinder being 12mm. just wondering as i can't get in with a socket..
I use the "swag" method


I "practice" on a socket accessable nut, then see what it "feels" like with a wrench.B)

Also I do have a click wrench, 3/8 drive.
yea it's one of those tools where if you only need it once it's worth it. My dad buys all snapons for work and there like cadalac nice it buzzes in your hand when your at the right spot of tightness.
If you really are brave you can just tighten until snug because that's how tight the toure specs want theam

Tighten it till you feel its good enough. Re-tighten after first ride.

Hey guys please lay off this crap, torques settings are very important and should be ahered to.

Please keep your backyard experiences and hillbilly methods to yourselves and leave the Pros to offer the correct method of wrenching.