Turtle Says Wow

but that can't be me, or there would be 3 or 4 more turtle bitches lined up wiating their turn, notice all the notches on my "log turtle bed" in the vid !!!!
that monkey isnt me either, thats micheal jacksons chimp, imitating his master,
"the king of poop" < i mean "pop"
Here's the interveiw with yb and kennedy about yb's ban,Kennedy,What do you have to say about yb's ban?
You mean thats kennedy giving yb a port job.
LMAO, I can't begin to imagine how that chimp got a hold of that frog. You know it has to have died after a raping like that. RIP frog(if you did die). I'm still smiling about it because I found something in the store yesterday that relates to this...

that frog brings back bad memrioes i know a kid that f***ed a dead frog hes bi he tryed to rape a kid while he was sleeping kinda creppy that theres people out there like that