The "how quickly can I get in trouble" Siren


Nov 24, 2014
Thanks to a GM recall a buddy brought home about 20 of these car alarm sirens!


Sooo the only logical think to do was to strap it to the blaster! So I picked up a $4 race/james bond style toggle switch grabbed a 6V flashlight battery and wired it up with some wires from an old power cord. I tucked the siren under the hood and the battery fit perfectly under the seat and I'm not too worried about battery life because I don't plan on using it tooooo terrible much. I put the switch in front because thats the only place where It wouldn't get hit by something and where the rest of the switch could fit behind. Also so I'm not tempted to flip it on while following a car:D:D:D



The thing is freaking loud! I can barely stand to turn it on in the shop because I go deff! It cycles through like 12 different sounds. Short little video.... Hope you guys enjoy!