Shifter shaft


New Member
Dec 9, 2014
Astoria, OR
I noticed when I had the clutch cover off. The shift shaft is able to move a little bit side to side. It is able to slide far enough over so that the little part that moves the star up and down can hit the clutch basket. What's the story on that? There's no missing clips or pieces.... I double checked the diagrams and such. Do they all do this? Like it slides far enoguh over to hit the basket. There's no wear marks that I could see. I just don't see why it would do that.

I have the cover back on, so here's the shift shaft. you can tell nothign is rubbing on it. There's just nothing stopping it. Maybe it wasn't hitting the basket. just seemed like it was. Curious what keeps it from sliding over far enough to keep it from grinding on the basket


Knew they were made to come out. Just was worried about movement when together. Thanks man. Makes sense... Didn't even look at the cover and such when I put it back on.. Makes sense.