Right side air leak with new seal


New Member
Jul 27, 2010
I just replaced both seals & was doing a leak down test but I couldn't get it to hold air. Sprayed the right crankcase seal & i have a leak from between the collar that goes through the seal & the crankshaft but not around the seal itself! Anyone seen this happen & whats the fix?
Is the spring still in the inner lip of the seal to hug the collar? if it popped out it would not seal there. did it rip on install? did you put a film of oil on it before throwing in the collar?
The spring is still there & intact, the seal isn't ripped & i used a light coat of grease when i put the collar through the seal...I tried uploading a pic but had no luck. The seal to the collar isnt leaking, its in between the collar to the crankshaft shaft that is letting it leak. The seal is all good!
strange. i gotta put that seal in tonight. so you are leaking at metal to metal then.
actually i remember some responses from that other thread and either the crank was worn or the bushing was worn make the fit between the 2 pieces out of tolerance and it was able to leak
Yea its metal to metal & I seen that post from liminlime so I sent him a PM...he still hasnt fixed his but i guess Wildcard told him to try some blue loctite. The loctite would keep the collar in place with the crankshaft but then the collar is spinning inside the seal so wouldnt that wear the seal out pretty fast?
Ok so then it should be alright since the collar spins on the shaft anyways. I'm trying the blue loctite idea & seeing if it works... I put some around the inside of the collar last night so it should be set up today. Hopefully it will hold up...I will post the outcome!
Hmmm, I was going to suggest low-strength loctite (pink) but it sounds too late. I would just be afraid of never getting it off again.

Seriously, tho, I'm surprised this is even an issue. Once the gear and crank nut are in place, it seems the collar should seal fine. Are you checking this with the engine still partly disassembled?
Its too late, already used the blue but yes the right crankcase cover, clutch hub & primary gear was all off when i did the leakdown test then did it again with the primary gear in place & tightened down, same outcome!. The loctite sealed it up but now its got a tiny leak in between the collar & seal & the seal is brand new so I give up! I went ahead & threw it back together & its running great but I think its going up for sale!
Calm down Dude, isnt nobody trying to be scandalous bro! Just saying its became a PIMA so the thought crossed my mind but i have too much time invested to get rid of it!