Q10's Film Fest


Dec 18, 2011
New Jersey
So I know I posted this like 15k times, but this time its legit.

So I started production on a new film for a contest called "By Accident". It stars 2 newly wedds who are out having a grand ol' time until tradgey strikes.

It is a silent film and about 5mins in length. There is only 2 characters involved. Dude and Woman.

All scenes have been shot except the final 2. However editing has began. The due date is May 30 and the contest is soon after. After the video is shown in the contest, I will upload it and post it here.

First place prize is $300, second place is $200, and third place is $100. So wish me luck in first place! I could use that money. Lol
good luck patrick, but luck may not be needed.......i've seen your skillz
Thanks guys! No, you people will see it, but it will have to be after contest. I have some friends subscribed to my YouTube and I don't want them to see it before the film fest. That's the only reason.
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Film is done!

It didn't come out as I would have liked being that my computer crashed and I has to edit on the schools computer, but non the less it's done.

June 4th it will be uploaded.
I am uploading the video now! sorry it took some time, but being my internet is slow slow, it takes a long time to download and upload. anyhoot, ill post the video up asap. unfortunately it did not come out as good as i wanted to, but owell. also i did not place. it was a good concept video, but i didn't film it to well