power loss


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
i just installed a 28mm pwk carb on my blaster. being confident in myself i loaded it up and drive two hours to my fav. riding spot. got there had to choke it to get it to start. once started it was good.....until i got to third gear and gave her hell, fell flat on her face. so i took the breather box top off and it helped a little. just wondering if my stock pipes cant handle the extra flow.
if you took the lid off and that helped you are too rich. the lid is a excelant learning tool... if you take it off and the machine runs better =too rich, if you put it on and the machine runs better = too lean
i would just try and mover the clip on the needle on notch and fool around with ur air adjustment screw...the 2mm shouldnt make that big of a difference