Post ur SCARRED stories..

ok this happend a long time ago when i was 3 or 4. well what happend was i was in my mom and dads room playing around with a little toy motorcycle and i wasnt paying attention and ran straight into the handle of a drawer completly busted my eyebrow open and you can still tell where its at almost 11 years later because the hair never grew back in that spot so my eybrow is kinda seperated. i guess you could call me scar face now lol
heres what my foot looked like 2 weeks after surgery, my foot was facing perfectly backwards and both leg bones broke, the scar is from where they put the 4 screws in............................

and i too was fascinated by my foot facing backwards, some kid had my phone calling my mom, and i told him to get some pics, but he couldnt figure my phone out before they loaded me in the lifeflight chopper<< they couldnt find a pulse in my foot, and took an hour to find me, so they flew me, and some "chesty" emt girl layed across my face while the chopper was landing,to keep the dirt outta my eyes, and i told her if we were gonna get that intimate, she'd have to give me her phone #, she told me "you're nuts, your foots almost ripped off and you're flirtin with me", hahahaa
if ya never read the full story, search for "work boots and no heel guards"
my other bad wreck on my 96 blaster was an endo, resulting in a broken collar bone and cracked shoulder blade, i went back to a 4th of july party for another 9 hours, then went to the hospital at like 1 in the morning, and no i wasnt drinking yet when i wrecked, but i sure did afterwards, hahaaaaaaaaaa

lol thats awsome
Thats how my ankle looked the first time after surgery, except with staples. Do you think it was bad to pull them out myself?
hmmmm were to start...when i was 4 i fractured my neck standing on a ted-dar-toder (sp?) when i was 6 i think, i broke my tibula and fibia(the 2 leg bones) on my left leg running up the stairs.......last week i broke my rib, pulled muscles in my shoulder, and lots of cuts and bruises, when i flipped my cousins
i got kicked by a horse and he hairline fractured my pelvis. my whole side was black, and i had to get my skin lanced to relieve pressure. it was nasty, all this sh*t started skeeting all out of the incision. i used to have a slight pimp limp for a year. i had a bunch of picures of my side and lancing but i left it all at my moms and she threw them out. it grossed her out. i have also broke both hands and my nose several times scrappin. used to usa amature box too.
i flipped my bayou doin about 30 in the woods and when i got up off the ground, there was a stick hangin out of my knee. they gave me three stitches but it def could've used more. i also burnt my leg on the muffler and have a perfect circle branded into my leg lol
well i was riding back from my friends house alog side the road on my dirt bike and i got to a place were the side of the road was too step and my rear tire slid out from under me and since i was on the side of the road i fell straight on the asphalt and got some preety bad road rash lukily a lady came like 30 sec after i fell and took me home ofcourse i left my bike with a person that lived close he was nice enough to keep it threre till i came back... anyways i got taken to the hospital and the took xrays and they said i had a minor break in my finger bone but that it didnt need a brace.

