Mikuni 28mm vm needle jet problem.


Aug 20, 2015
Rossville, Ga
OK so I swapped out my stock VM26ss for a 28mm vm series from a '85 YZ 80 (apparently a vm28(or24?)-606.
Specs are
26MM 32.5 Pilot, P-6 NJ, 5j22 JN, 2.0 slide co.
28mm 35 Pilor, O-0 NJ, 4j13 JN, 2.5 slide co

Everything can be swapped out between the two except for the needle jet.
The P-6 NJ has a I.D. of 2.68mm the O-0 2.60mm

The good news is that the 28mm has no TORS, a standard idle screw, standard cap, quick change jets(bowl), slightly more airflow, and the same o.d. of the spigot and inlet, meaning it fits perfectly/ same as stock.

The problem I am having is that the 28mm carb uses series 249 or series 332 needle jets only. Both come in O-0 size, one comes in the ever so slightly smaller N-6. That is the only sizes I can find. Possibly oem Yamaha might have different sizes in the 249 series which might be hard to find
The series 249 needle is an OEM Yamaha series, the 332 is Mikuni series.

If i could find the specs for the 5j22 needle I could match up one that was.08 mm thinner overall (or at least at the top).o
I did order 2 different needles a 5j11 and a 5fp17, the first starts out thinner than stock by .070mm and has the same taper angle as stock (different start point for taper).
The second is a dual taper needle it starts thinner than stock (to make up for a smaller NJ) and initially has a shallow taper angle, then goes to a sharper than stock angle.
AFAIK this helps lower throttle ranges where airflow and loading are minimal and a richer mixture isn't needed(low speed cruising), then opens up substantially to avoid lean conditions as you get closer to middle throttle position where more efficient flow and heavier engine load benefits from more fuel.

It is my hope that these needles in the 28mm with the O-0 NJ will give similar results to the 5j22 with the P-6.
A scenario that snuck up on me was rebuilding, porting and rechamber in the engine before my throttle cable arrived and before I was able to do baseline jetting on the stock motor with current bolt ons.
Which leaves me pretty close to starting from scratch.

I need someone who has alot of experience with tuning mikuni carbs (of various bore sizes), on modded blaster engines (moderate trail porting: ex port up 1.3mm/+2mm wider, open lower transfer tunnels, moderate sized boyesen ports, minimal intake cleanup), with common bolt ons (A box lid-, dual stage reeds, Toomey, +2 timing advance).
Don't know who that is but they gotta be lurking around here somewhere.

Maybe once I actually get my top sent off,and Ken can get his eyes on it, and ever stop laughing or crying at what I have done to my cylinder, he might have a good idea of where to start.
There are "blue" vitos needles out there. I dont remember the measurements (no # stampings either) but i have a couple on hand and i could measure one and or send you one if you want. I think the blue needles are richer (thinner) than stock.. I will put both side by side and take a pic so you can compare. I also have a few other needles to compare to as well..

Give me a bit and ill post some pics along with #'s..
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There are "blue" vitos needles out there. I dont remember the measurements (no # stampings either) but i have a couple on hand and i could measure one and or send you one if you want. I think the blue needles are richer (thinner) than stock.. I will put both side by side and take a pic so you can compare. I also have a few other needles to compare to as well..

Give me a bit and ill post some pics along with #'s..

That would be awesome, I would measure the 5j22 myself but the most accurate thing I have is a plastic caliper with manual markings measures to Tenths of a mm, fairly accurately you can guess at half a tebth of a mm.
For now I am stuck with the O-0 NJ and must find a needle that will do the trick, the stock 5j22 needle is 2.52 at top and stock P-6 is 2.68. The O-0 is 2.60 or -.08 so about 2.44 would be comparabless to stock. Then adjust for the 28mm carb throat, and for the porting, and well that puts me at needing choices a needle possibly with an initial diameter of around 2.40-2.42 or one that begins tapering early.

Their is nothing richer than O-0 for needle jets in 249 or 332 styles, it turns out that 332 series is proprietary yamaha made by mikuni. The older 70's yamaha IT xxx used this carb, but it appears to have used a different N.J.

For the time being , I am stuck with O-0. I most definitely appreciate the pics, and specs. If it looks like you have a good candidate I will pm you my address, and try to work out something with you, I have some blaster stuff, if it doesn't look like I got anything you might use , I could always send you something to E-bay off, or auction it myself and send you some $. Guess we will worry about it if/when we can get an idea of what might work.
I hAve the specs of the two needles I ordered and will pm them to you.
No need for anything . I will just send them to you and if you can use them you can ,if not thn well it was worth a try.. It looks as if i may have 2 canditates. I didnt have time at the moment for thickness measurements but the pics should give you an idea.

A blue vitos needle and a 5n7 (which i think is a stock banshee needle)?? also for jettings sake. /you can play with the plastic washer under the needle (either adding an xtra or none at all) this way you can play with what clip you are on and fine tune a hair more (+ or -) If you get close on your jetting than you should be able to fine tune with your other circuits as they overlap..

Give me a min i need to upload pics from my phone..
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No need for anything . I will just send them to you and if you can use them you can ,if not thn well it was worth a try.. It looks as if i may have 2 canditates. I didnt have time at the moment for thickness measurements but the pics should give you an idea.

A blue vitos needle and a 5n7 (which i think is a stock banshee needle)?? also for jettings sake. /you can play with the plastic washer under the needle (either adding an xtra or none at all) this way you can play with what clip you are on and fine tune a hair more (+ or -) If you get close on your jetting than you should be able to fine tune with your other circuits as they overlap..

Give me a min i need to upload pics from my phone..

Appreciate it, and no rush I just got the final main bearing in today.