Does this trade sound sweet???


New Member
Feb 6, 2011
Romeo, Michigan
hey, this guy wants to trade my mint bmx bike with over 1400 into it thats for sale for 600. he wants to trade a pair of itp holeshots on black rims, a stock 04+ carb and motor that runs with a polished jug, a dg silencer, and a new gasket for the motor ready to install.
i used to ride bmx every day of my life. i mean every day. i didnt care if it was raining or cold or i was sick. recently i sold my bike and i highly regret it. if you dont ride it then i say go for it.
I'd do a compression check on the motor, if it's less than 115psi , I'd tell him to throw in$150-$200 cash. Two tires and rim in great shape $125-150. Complete motor running with good compression- $400-600. Not being able to start it or check compression-$200-$300Gaskets=15-20 bucks.

Just my opinion. Having a spare motor is awesome, having Ken Oconner port it for you-PRICELESS!
my motor on my blaster is already ported and polished, hes now adding a rolling blaster needing a few things and the motor, and rear tires, and more for the bike. I used to ride whether it was rain, sleet, or snow. but i've gotten out of it.