Cardinals Vs. Steelers

Cards by 10, Arizona has been the underdog for 4 straight weeks and look how they responded!! I hope they whoop ass! but im a bengals fan
since i already started a similar post on this topic this morning ill respond to this as well. Pittsburgh is gonna win this by at least 10. Cinderella was last year with the Giants. Not going to happen two years in a row. I personally picked Pittsburgh to win the whole thing back the first week in November. I am not a Steelers fan though i do respect the organization (sorry Philly fans but you guys could take some lessons lol). I like the Dolphins and the Patriots myself but i know that the #1 defense in the league wont be denied come crunch time!! and im talking alot of sh*t because i got over 200 on the game I:I
STEELERS! My dad grew up in PA and is a die hard fan and passed it on to me. I like'em for that reason and because if I could live anywhere in the USA it would be PA. May be moving there in a few years, can't stand NY.
since i already started a similar post on this topic this morning ill respond to this as well. Pittsburgh is gonna win this by at least 10. Cinderella was last year with the Giants. Not going to happen two years in a row. I personally picked Pittsburgh to win the whole thing back the first week in November. I am not a Steelers fan though i do respect the organization (sorry Philly fans but you guys could take some lessons lol). I like the Dolphins and the Patriots myself but i know that the #1 defense in the league wont be denied come crunch time!! and im talking alot of sh*t because i got over 200 on the game I:I

easy on the philly comments there superguy!! lol jk