Bye bye RM, Hello Shee

The finishing parts are trickling in. I'm waiting for the skidpates, locknut, fender supports, and rear grabbar.

So far i put in the New headlight bulbs, and the billet gas tank cap. I found these rims on Rocky Mtn's scratch and dent site on ebay, Both rims $49 shipped. They are the .190 rims too, so that made me feel better. Its getting there.
Progress! Locknut on, Skidplates on, Grab bar on!!!

I Found a bad a-arm bushing on the upper clutch side. I swore I changed it last summer, but after taking it apart tonight, I found out I over looked it. I can't find the stash of a-arm bushings I have, so looks like I need to order 1 tomorrow.
I was outside yesterday and I heard a beautiful noise and my neighbor just bought a banshee for $1200. That thing sounds amazing and is in really good shape, just needs a back caliper. I want one so bad!
Going a different route now. I never felt comfortable with the 2 to 1 intake and single carb. I'm going back to dual stock carbs, that I know I can get Jetted right, and go from there. Threw some VF4's in while I had it all apart.
Thanks guys! Those are xfr nerf's. It left me straned yesterday. I fouled 2 plugs on the road below my house. Good thing my neighbor was home to get my truck and rescue me.

Needless to say, I have dropped the pilots, and I'm getting this thing on this time. 200 more yards, and I would have needed a tow out of the stripmines.

Pilots should be around 25-27.5, add a size for the VF reeds. The toomey provided needle has a very easy to tune taper that has worked well with my setup through a few mods. It may be helpful to get your hands on one if need be. Not sure how your tuning is going up to that point.

I'd also recommend giving consideration to adding 1/4 turn to the clutch side carb since the water pump and trans fluid are right by the cylinder. My pipe was about 20° hotter just after the first bend and my cylinders (at the outside transfers) were about 10° over that on the other side at idle. 1/4 turn has gotten both temps down to less than a 10° difference on both pipes. I did check to make sure the carbs were synced before all of this.

Are you running an airbox lid? I found mine to do very little to protect against water, so I removed mine (we never get near water anyway). It provided a noticeable gain in power. Had to go from a 280-320/330 (summer/winter) main jet, 1 needle clip position, 1/4 turn.
I'm going to keep that in mind when I fire it back up tomorrow. I'm going to check the carbs again to make sure they are in sync still. Taking them off and on seems like it might throw them off.

I still have an airbox lid on. It has 6 1inch holes drilled in the top. Water can be a problem here, so if it does keep some or most out, its a help.