Back With A New Project!! :D

well this is not about the 125 but i was Inquiring about swapping stuff i have for a 250cc crosser. i contacted a guy on ebay that lives local to me. he didn't have full bike but he has a frame,forks,tank,1 side panel and he said if he has anything else he will bring it. he has offered me the stuff he has for FREE as he is no longer into bikes and i am looking to build a 250. he is also going to deliver them for me tomorrow :) so once this build is done il have another one to do :D just going to swap the stuff i have from quad and other items for parts for the 250 and il have them there.
well here goes lol

the plans now are a FULL restore.
i am missing
carb and throttle
clutch cable
clutch lever
brake cable
brake lever
rear wheel bolt and probably the spacers
bolts for holding plastics on
bolts to hold tank on
bolts to hold seat on
bolts to hold exhaust on

My NEW Plans Are For Over The Next Year as i won't have good money until xmas.
Frame Powdercoated In Candy Blue
White Plastics
Blue Grips
getting new bolts for probably everything as there rusty
new DG Exhaust (as not spending 700 dollars on the same one thats on it when i can get a DG for 350 dollars shipped around that anyway.
new bearings and seals on frame,wheels,forks
full engine rebuild with new crank bearings etc
and a new seat cover with rm 125 on it in blue.

will be sweet once its done its just having to wait until i have the cash to get the parts. was going to get them one by one but thinking about just getting the frame stripped (not engine) and getting it ready for possibly the winter and il do it then as il have the money i need for everything.

but il be updating thread :D
hi guys well i couldn't wait to take the engine apart.. took the flywheel cover off and to me it looks like a new stater ? correct me if im wrong but looks fairly new :)

Little tip: clean the rust off the wheel and laminates of stator

yeah i will be :) everything that goes into this engine will be brand new and the stator will be well cleaned and possibly shining ;) but hoping crank is ok as if it is i just need to get new bearings and new top end rebuild. also need a new gear shifter and the shaft that goes through engine as some one welded it on.(hate people like that why they can't do a job the right way i don't know. but its a classic bike and i knew it would of needed a fair bit work ;) im not going to be riding it until after xmas anyways as won't have cash until then to get it done. but should be brand new by the time im done :D i reckon around £1000/$1500 into it and it will be how i want it and be like new thats including all the powdercoating etc. engine work i do myself so il only pay for the parts. and new tires. but il make like £500/$700 on it if i ever sell but i will be keeping it for ages so it will hopefully go up in value as alto of people over here want these age of bikes to race as they get classed in the EVO racing not sure what it means but means people pay good money :) but everything will be done the right way so no job will be done in a quick way just to save cash.
well well guys. for whoever wants to take the easy way out/less money way on a engine you might as well give up the sport now!!

took the head off this engine and i want people to guess what is wrong :p