What do you ride with?

Hey guys! I grew up racing dirtbikes and have always worn, riding pants and jersey, gloves, helmet, goggles, chest protector, and riding boots. I have not raced my blaster as of yet, but my question to everyone is whether you are a racer or not what gear do you sport?
i ride some trails and ride on my friends small track. and i wear helmet goggles chest protector riding paints jersey boots gloves knee supports do to week knee from a tree fall.. but if your going to be racing a neck brace is a good thing to get also
I may have to look into one. I like trail riding but I am more into racing and flying over things. That's why I am trying to make a home practice track again.

i wore one once to see what it was like. wasn't mine a freind had one cause his hole family races and the wear them wasn't to bad. but a at home tracks are nice if u have a dozer. the thing is were i ride with my freind we have a shovel. and the blasters. we dig with the shovel and pack with the blastersI:I
Th neck brace will HELP if you get into a minor roll over or small crash in which you arent moving very fast or hitting the ground very hard. There is not a neck brace that will keep anyone from breaking their neck in the event of a hard crash where you are thrown from the bike and land on your head.

I ALWAYS wear boots, pants, knee and shin guards, jersey, gloves, helmet, goggles, and a neck brace if Im attempting any jumps over 100'.
Depends on what I'm riding. If I'm on my Outty and looking for mud, shin high boots, overalls or rain suit, helmet, goggles an mechanix gloves. If I'm riding something a little more open wheeled, same thing, except I double layer the top half with a thick hoody or something to knock down the impact of stones, and smaller boots for easier shifting.