Rebuild of the blastersaurus

Daven I only cut the from that was used to mount the bumper. There are supports right behind it.

I got everything mocked up. I still have to clean up the brackets some and do some final touches. It's bolted on and solid as a rock!
Also got the tires on. Of course I mounted one backwards! I was rushing while my son was taking a nap. I will roll it out of the garage soon and get some good pics.
nice job on the bumber mounting !
but i still don't see any drywall up in the backround :D
Thanks AWK. The garage will get done after the basement. I have a new garage door and plan on doing some cool flooring in there.
Digging the Tech4 tires!

Thats looks awesome man.

Wanna give me a front tire? PO had the camber off and my right one wore funny. Awesome thing is that my LEFT rim is bent but its got the perfect tire....
That really bothers me. And i still dont know what rims i have!
I am just curious, does that new bumper stick out past the front tires, or will the tires be the first to hit? It looks great just doesn't look like it is out there far enough.
I am just curious, does that new bumper stick out past the front tires, or will the tires be the first to hit? It looks great just doesn't look like it is out there far enough.

thats what i was thinking. By the pictures it looks even with the tires of just behind them
Here's the thing, the tires do stick out further and so do they on a banshee. I would have to have a 50" wide bumper to protect the tires. Bumpers are not made to protect tires. They are made to absorb shock so you don't bend your frame.