Blaster Transformation

I just have one question. Why all these nice parts and no paint on the frame?

It was supossed to be a stock quick rebuild. But I joined this site and kept finding thing wrong as I was working on it. So I just went with the flow.

I plan on stripping it down and painting and cleaning everything. But that day will come after I get my 86 LT250 done. I am doing a complete rebuild/restoration on it. It is in a thousand pieces in the garage along wiht my sons CRF50 project. But I have time on the CRF50 since my son is only 10 months old LOL....
Ok here are the picsas promised. Gotta get the stuff to make the leakdown tester and test it out..

Also still waiting on the parts to come back from the sand blaster and waitibg on the weather to stay nice to paint everything I need to paint.





Well finished cutting off the taps and grinded down all the welds that I have no idea off the stock heel guards so I can get them to look how I like. They will be going out to the sand blaster then get paint..




Looking good bro,did you get the clutch figured out.

I think so. It springs back now that I put the cable holder on. Will find out over the weekend for sure. I plan on getting the heat cycles in sometime on the coming weekend. If the dam sand blaster gets my parts back to me. Also should have all the paint work done to supossed to be nice this weekend.
you're gettin there dude I:I once you get the engine and swinger on everything else seems to just fall into place. hurry up!!!! lol I:I I:I
Well still waiting on my parts from the sand blaster......

So I got bored and threw the plastics on to get an idea of the look from the front. I still need to paint all the plastics yet. Waiting on the weather to get nice enough...

I think it looks mean as hell......

Sorry about the crappy cell pics.....




Dont mind my dirty ass Cr in the background LOL...
The Blasty has been getting all the attention.

Oh yah tomorrow I am buliding a leakdown tester and giving her a leakdown test....
Well got the parts back from my buddy who sand plasted them. So my next step is painting everything. But time is hard to find lately with my new job having me work nearly 60 hours and 6 days a week.....

But it will be done soon, well it has to be done for July 21 for a Busco beach trip......
looks sweet i realllllly wanna so this finished cause hopefully this winter im gonna do this to mine and still have time for a few snow rides !!