2004 Blaster paint job

they're ITP holeshot mxr6's I believe. and they are 20-6-10's my old ones were bald and my buddy was getting new front for his yfz so he just gave me those for free I:I and thanks man yea its really coming along I cant wait to take it for a ride!
got the shocks put back together today, threw the chain on, and just popped the plastics on so i could see how it looks and so i would have a air filter to take it down my tar road. Here's the pictures of all that. Tomorrow I'm painting the plastics, bleeding the brakes, and making sure everything is tight, after that, ITS DONE!! Let me know what you guys think!





sorry I havnt done the plastics yet guys, I ran it with the rear fenders on yesterday and it runs horrible.. I cleaned the carb checked all the wires, fixed the ground wire.. nothing helped.. tonight I'll check the reeds, and throw some new gas in it and maybe change the plug.. and I'll also check the connection on the tors, who knows hopefully one of those will be the problem though! the whole problem is in another section under general support. I'll have pics up as soon as I paint the plastics!
yea the stadium I love it haha, I had one on my 400ex also, but it was black and silver, heres a picture
finished the blaster today! got it running good turned out to be the sensor in the throttle when it pressed the button in it killed the engine.. but here's pictures of it with the plastics painted shown with front fenders and without. Tomorrow I'll bring it outside and take way better pictures with my moms camera, all the ones ive posted are from my cellphone.. I'm so glad its done! looks really good and I'm happy with the outcome, def learned alot though and will do things differently with my banshee in the spring.




Thanks! I'll have better pictures up tomorrow guys so check back after like 9am I'll have new ones up by then