Wont be ridin for a while...

Well went to help out a '88 blaster with his quad, and him and XKronikX, took me and my son to the local place were ya can tear it up a little, Big hill climbs and quite a few jumps too! Nice little place, but it wasn't so kind to this old man, and the poor Raptor has a few bruises too! Was climing this hill hit a big ass root ass over tea cups and the raptor landed on my right leg and knee, almost cried but was more worried about the quad as i was probably 60ft up the hill when I did this and the poor rappy rolled and flipped and bounced and bounced and bounced, and landed just like a cat on all fours! Whew, I thought thank God it didn't hit that big ass oak tree or i'd be towing her out!! So now the adrenaline is wearing off and as I lay there sliding down the hill, My mind is like OUCH MO FO! I had a little trouble standing up but then was able to. It hurts to walk on and really hurt to drive home when I had to step on the brake. I don't think anything is broken but i'll give it a day or two and if it don't feel better, then I guess it'll need looked at. Memo to self- quit trying to be 18 again!- answer- hell no I am 18 in a 43 year old body! just thought I'd share that...

The swelling is starting and the bruising is there, something is messed up inside for sure just hope it isn't gonna be too bad.. I need awk mountain nursing help!!

Had a similar crash on my Banshee and my leg hurt and was purple for over a month. Takes a little time to heal but should be ok. 43 year old bodies don'e heal like they did at 18.
Had a similar crash on my Banshee and my leg hurt and was purple for over a month. Takes a little time to heal but should be ok. 43 year old bodies don'e heal like they did at 18.

For sure!! I just hope i don't wake up tomorrow at 4am and can't walk!
WHISKEY for me = DICKHEAD, that stuff makes me mean. Molsons for sure but only have two but they will be the best two i had in a while!!
ps. i always make it into work the next day after an injury, if it's bad enuf, fake a fall at work, compensation pays very good, trust me, i did it 3 times !!!!!