Who Actually owns and set rules

i was wonderin who actually maintains the website and who sets the rules.Does anyone know who the admins are.

No clue! Well actually....VVVVVVVV they do!

nope just wanted to know who might profit from my $10 donation to let me list stuff for sale because 300 pots is unreal to get just to access that section.And i wanted to see how long its been since they have logged on.
nope just wanted to know who might profit from my $10 donation to let me list stuff for sale because 300 pots is unreal to get just to access that section.And i wanted to see how long its been since they have logged on.

well if u wanna cry about our rules list your sh*t on egay and see how much you get raped with fees... the membership is to maintain the site wich helps THOUSANDS with thier troubles and gives us "lifers" a place to talk about common interests. if you are only here to sell stuff, good riddance...
u sell more then 100 bucks on ebay, bam there is your $10 gone. That rule is for getting money, though it does help pay the overhead of running a website, which you clearly dont understsand, it is to protect members from getting ripped off by fly by night retards coming on the internet to rip people off
nope just wanted to know who might profit from my $10 donation to let me list stuff for sale because 300 pots is unreal to get just to access that section.And i wanted to see how long its been since they have logged on.

We all profit from it. Have you learned anything about a blaster since you joined?
glad to see everyone getting along. im broke as a joke at the moment cause my OT got cut from 70 hrs a week to a sh*tty 40 hrs or id be more than glad to pay, but bet your sweet tits when the income tax check comes in ill have that sucker paid
well i guess djack runs the site as admin or whatever.I just cant see me paying him $10 since he isnt active since 8-2011 which is 5 months.

no....cbaber owns this place, and is on at least regularly, maybe not everyday and i highly doubt he pockets a dime off of it
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If you don't feel like paying the $10 or whatever, maybe click on some of the "Sponsored Links". I'm guessing that a small fee is payed to the owner for each click through. Could be wrong idk.
If it was not for the supporting members keeping this forum going, you would be on Bluetraxx waiting a week on a half assed reply for your Blaster problem.
im new here too, started a month or 2 ago when i got a blaster project for my son n i. in the short time ive been on, ive learned, laughed and got some of the most honest info anywhere. its not about who makes what, its about our like/love of the sport imo. we are all here talking about something we enjoy, and having a good time doing it.