I know i might be crazy but has anybody tried hooking up some kind of fan and would it run off of the stator?=))

actually thats not a bad idea. you could probably do it. just the hard part would be finding a fan that would work
I think you would need to set it up so it's not running all the time.

you don't want it pulling every time you ride and not when the lights are on.

but at the same time you might as well go with the water cooled head at this point.

i've looked at the head kit and my other thought is running some copper or alum. tubinh threw the jug fins.

also if you put a small fan on the radiator that came with the kit you'd be about the same amount of help.
Maybe run it to the light switch I:I
Do they make any smaller?I think if you remove light maybe it will work.How many volts does the stator light coil put out?