V force 3 reeds


New Member
Jul 24, 2010
N-B. Canada
heyy guys I have stock reeds and I was thinking about getting vf3 reeds but if I buy them will I need to re-jet my carb if so what jet I will need to get
This has been kicked around but frankly I don't see the need for just reeds. They will give better response but shouldn't actually increase airflow.

that is one thing they do, they increase the flow of fuel (air and gas) into the engine. the reason they increase power and increase throttle response is because they flow better.

and yes you might have to reed jet for reeds, it wont be a huge jump like other mods, but it might change like one size.
MAYBE. The big restrictions on flow for most engines are port volume, carb size, airbox, and the exhaust pipe, especially on a stock motor.

Personally, I'd throw the airbox lid away, toss in the reeds, and jet up 2-3 sizes. That would be a noticeable difference in airflow AND response.
turn fuel off
take fuel line off carb, let it drain into a plastic container
take bowl of carb, pour fuel into PC
take jet out
put new jet in
put bowl on carb
put carb back and attach fuel line