Stupid People


May 31, 2010
okay we all hate stupid people so here is my story and maybe some others will chime in with their stupid people stories?

So today my grandparents were giving me a ride home from swim practice and we were driving on a 2 lane country road. Speed limit: 45. So we are driving along and there is a mailtruck, half on the road half off as usual. noone iscoming the other way so we go around. my pap was looking in the mirror and he just says holy sh*t!. so i turn around and this idiot on his cell phone macked the back of the mailtruck never slowed down never swerved nothing. the mail truck rolls down into the field beside it. so the guy who hit him jumps out of his car and i swear to god i never saw someone who just got hit in the face with an airbag run so fast. but he runs down into the field to see if the mailman was okay and that was all i saw before we were gone. by the time we got into the smaller nearby town the fire alarm was going off and i'm guessing that was what that was for. i hope the mailman was ok...