stop hating on 4 jokes lol

My friend bought a new 06 250ex. It was really beat on untill about two weeks ago. Haven t opened it up yet to look at it.
well i can always donate my 7.62 x 54R if they wanna see how bullet proof they really are. lol nah i do like hondas for that reason they are very reliable. thats what my chinese pit bike is based off. a honda engine. that things keeps running like no tomarrow. but im still a 2 stroke lover. big time.......
well seeing as how honda has been in the atv game the longest its only natural for then to put out the most reliable machines...
i mean yamaha puts out some GREAT machines too and ill always bleed BLUE!!!
wekk my 400ex is deff bullet proof, when i got it, it smoked, and we figured yea it will need rings and new valves and what now, got it back in sept. i have beat on this thing engine wise and it has yet to fail me, even when it smokes when you hit the throttle, it still runs all out
You guys crack me up sometimes damn :D

The 400ex is a good bike.
The frame is based off of the lengendary 2 stroke 250r so it's perfect for the woods and trails.
It's not too fast and all raced out like the 450's and was built to be reliable.
yamaha is my first choice in bikes/quads, the honda, then ktm, then kawasaki, then gas gas then, i'd rather walk, and then suzuki
The z400 is a great bike too and the king quad is a really capable big bore (just not a twin)