Stolen mini bike!!!!


Jun 4, 2008
Hey guys, our local shop got broken into last night. The people who did it stole some small stuff from the shop like clothes and goggles but the main thing they stole was a fully custom CRF 50 built by Fast 50's. I know the guys at the shop and Fast 50's and they are cool dudes.

I know a lot of you guys search craigslist every day. If any of you see the bike on CL or what looks like parts of it let me know please. The bike is worth about $10k and has a lot of family history behind it.

Here is the article from the newspaper with a small picture.

Burglars get custom minibike |

Thanks guys
that 50 is fully built by Fast 50's in Auburn CA. it has a custom aluminum frame and swing arm. they are each custom made by Fast 50's. They retail for over $2000.00 alone. The wheels on it are custom machines and retail for over $1500.00. Even the cases on that bike were made for the custom 88cc motor in it. pretty much the only thing on that bike that is Honda is the chain slider on the swing arm. pretty much everything Honda made in steel, they machined it in aluminum. it was a really trick bike. if anything it has family history. that is the bike that put Fast 50's on the top of the mini bike scene. check out their website, and you will see why its worth 10k.

Fast50s "The Original 50 Specialists"
So, the sh*t heads that broke into Moto Elite and took the Fast 50s mini bike tried to break into another local shop last night and got caught. They copped to taking the mini bike and told the Police where it is. The recovered the bike. Its not thrashed up or anything but they did ride it. (The bike maybe had 30 minutes on it it before) The owner Craig was stoked to get his bike back but bummed that it has been ridden. The bike was really muddy but, from the looks of it just needs some cleaning to be the "same".

I am just glad that they got the bike back.
bitter sweet dude. We all just looked at it and wondered what happened. It just didnt look the same all muddy, ridden and leaned over in the back of a truck.
dude it was so weird to see a bike that was a cover bike on a magazine and had prob 20 min of ride time on it. (it was rode around the photo shoot) everything on that bike was perfect. it was weird to see it covered in mud and scratches and gouges in the aluminum parts.
Well the owner Craig owns the company Fast 50s. So its not going to cost a lot of money to replace the parts but still, its the fact that somebody stole it and rode it and all that.
heh i had a similar situation when my freinds 07 yfz 450 got stolen ( $9565 after all the tags and stuff from the dealer) so it was pretty close and it was muddy but thankfully not scratched, that sucks that retards do that kind of sh*t
I'm glad they recovered it, a lot of people aren't so lucky. You might advise the shop to install a CC TV or a DVR surveillance system. They can be had relatively cheap in the scheme of things, and you can set them up to archive off-site and page or email you if the motion sensor is tripped.