stock carb?

nope stock is 26mm. unless it has been bored out. a lot of people do that. I would look for a 30mm at least. you can find one a lot cheaper than that. i see them go under 100. if you get a 30mm carb it will support a lot more future mods. looks like you are starting to be attacked by those damn mod bugs too. lol
yea bro that looks likke much better better deal thats a good name too right and that will fit right on
yup! that carb will do you right. I've never had one but it should fit right on. there are tons of guys on here with that same carb. hopefully someone will chime in that has one. or start a new post with that as a quesiton
if you are looking to upgrade carbs though that is a good buy you better hurry. i think you will have to get a cable for it i don't think stock will work.