Separating Lower ball joints.


New Member
Aug 3, 2010
Looking for ideas here. I tried heat rubber mallet and all. Only thing i wont do is pickle fork for obvious reason's. A-arms are off bike. Trying to paint the suckas!I:I
what he's getting at is the ball joints are replacable so he's not gonna risk it, i'm a fan of a two jaw puller wound real tight then smack your puller bolt with a hammer, work almost everytime, gotta love suspension sh*t all siezed togather
yeah pickle forks work good for seperating already bad ball joints, but you ruin the rubber when you use one. i wouldnt suggest hitting the balljoint bolt with anything, i bent one with a rubber mallet.
with the arm off the bike, put the nut on the ball joint. put the nut in a solid vice and squarely hit the arm downward to separate it from the ball joint.
put them back on the bike...and dont hit the tieroad... hit the spindle.... you gotta put both a-arms back on bike... then elevate the bottom one...and hit the spindle up... hitting the tierod will just fubar it....

i had the same problem for a few weeks until someone told me to hit the spindle instead....
do this, take a hammer and hit the spindle around where the ball joint goes it. it should fall out.
I think sheeblast is not being clear about what he is saying, but his method is flawless. If the spindle and the lower a-arm are off the bike... set the side of the spindle (the part that surrounds the taper of the spindle) on the flat side of the vise and whack it a good one on the opposite side of the spindle. Otherwise the side that is up (with the nut off, of course). You may want to use a piece of metal as a punch so you don't have to be so fine with the hammer blow. This will unseat the ball joint. This method has never failed me and I have never damaged a boot.

Soak them bastards with coca cola for a week , then put them in the freezer then after an hour clamp the a arm in a vice , then hook a cable to the spindle , wrap it around the bumper of your car and gun that bastard , then go to ebay and buy a set of +3 a arms .