Sand Blasted


New Member
Mar 11, 2010
Anyone ever sandblaster their engine parts. I picked up a sandblaster the other day and Im wanting to polish up engine parts like my clutch cover. I saw several post on polishing the clutch cover but cant figure out why no one posted about using a sandblaster rather than using sand paper. Im new to sandblasting, is there any advise on sandblasting the engine. Thanks
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I would use a spray on paint remover. I think sandblasting is a little too aggressive for that job. Then hand sand with progressively finer paper to "smooth" it out before you polish.
Thanks for the advise. I think baking soda blasting would leave a pretty smooth surface. Im trying to find a quick way to polish. I havent use the sandblaster yet, I have to learn how to use it. Im gonna practice on old extra parts to see how the blaster works. I always thought sandblasting leaves metal smooth and new looking. Paint remover may be the best bet.
it leaves it with a rough texture talk ot mmjay im pretty sure he soda blasts his parts before he polishes and paint remover works pretty good
DO NOT sandblast any part you plan on polishing, leaves a rough surface that will not come out without hours and hours of sanding to make it smooth again, and the polished part after will only show the scratches and divits from the sand.. sandblasting is the easiest thing ever lol
LOL, "Quick way" and "Polish" do not go into the same sentence. Soda blasting needs a good air dryer, unless you're in the desert, glass bead or walnut shell might be aceptable for aluminum. Please be sure to wear a GOOD respirator when sand blasting, not just a dust mask, look up silicosis (sp). NOT GOOD.
Thanks for the advise. So Im figuring sandblasting is only good if I plan on painting the sandblasted peices. Oh well, thought I figured out a easy way to clean up metal parts but like Larry said, "polishing and quick way do not go in the same sentence." Thanks to everyone this forum has helped me not destroy my blaster several times. Its nice to have people to discuss these issues with.