Replacing Clutch Lever


New Member
Aug 4, 2010
I am trying to replace my bent clutch lever but cant get the cable bushing out of the dam lever. I got the clutch lever off the bars, but the cable goes into the lever and wont release. I see the slot and it should pop out but it looks like there is a brass bushing that has moved and blocks that slit so the cable cant pop out.
i think that brass bushing should come out with the cable end, get some lube on there...wd-40, pb-blaster..... and give it another try in after letting it soak for a few,
wiggle back and forth while pulling upwards
ill have to mess with it again when I have time. I thought there was something odd about it, never had any problems on my skis or dirtbikes.
ok I have tried all the above with no luck, the slot is not bent, I lubed it all up but its like the brass insert is moved to the side so the cable cant slip about to use a dremel and cut into the lever to make room to get the cable end out in one piece.
since your replacing the lever anyway, thats an option, cut away
finally got to fixing it, what a PITA. Had to cut it out of the lever, it slipped right into the new one and works better than ever.