ProCircuit Pipe Owners.. Your help is needed !!!

Jan 22, 2008
Hey all,

I recently purchased a ProCircuit expansion pipe off eBay for my Blaster.

I got it in the mail today & after looking it over, I can't see how this connects to the motor. There is no flange like my stock pipe.

How does this exhaust bolt up to the jug??

Thanks for any info..

If it is like any of the other brands it is suposed to come with a flange that bolts to the motor and a spring that holds it to the flange.
Yeah thats what i had to do with my fmf pipe. The we got the pipe and it didnt have the flange so we got one from the FMF company!
yeah, you will get a flange and 2springs, but i will warn you now that the springs break easily so check them often, its not hard at all to put on and it adds a great gain