porting and carb


New Member
Sep 24, 2010
im gonne get my jug ported and head modded anyway do i have to get 34mm carb right away or can i run stock until i get the 34 just run bigger jet?
you would be running like a 400 main prolly lol

its really gunna hurt your performance, just not enough air supply, if u can get the carb get it, stock carbs were undersized as it is
Your engine will still runwith the stock carb no matter how extensivly you mod it, that is as long as you have her jetted correctly. But it will greatly inder performance, the 34mm would do everything the stock carb wishes it could for your bike.
what's your complete setup? would be easier to help you if we knew this info. my buddy is running a stock carb with porting, milled head, toomey pipe, and lidless box. absolutely screams, but a bigger carb would do him much better.
try and get me spot on i have airbox lid removed and the new exhuast what should i run like i said try and get me spot on hate doing plug chops

what pipe? that's a need to know for us to help you. someone may have the same pipe and could help you better. plug chops are the only to get you spot on when it comes to jetting bro. just a fact of life with these things.
okay you have an fmf fatty. anywhere from 270 to 310. work your way down from 310 via plug chops.
well, FMF recommends a 270 for their pipe. you have a the lid off too. try 290. that'll be around where you need to be i believe.