Okay so heres what I paid $100 for!


Jul 14, 2012
Okay so heres some pics but if you cant see it has 2 blue rear plastics, 2 gas tanks, blue tank cover, blue 02- hood, blue front fenders, blue and black seat, 3 clutch covers, 2 stator covers, 1 oil pump cover, 4 heads, 2 cylinders, swinger and carrier, 4 rear hubs, clutch hubs, like 6 drum brakes, tons of a arms, one set of a arms with spindles in them for drum i think, there tons of more stuff along with shifters, brakes, levers, and tons of stuff in boxes. Tell me what you think! Im not sure what im gonna do with this stuff but for 100 bucks I thought whatever haha.


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Heres some more pics


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haha, guy owns a nice shop and my dad knows him, he said I dug all these parts up, take everything for 100 and if I find anything else its yours. Not sure what ima do tho!
Thanks, maybe hit up ebay, I want to find out how much these cylinders have left though!
i know what you're going to do with all them cheap parts.....
take a serious beat down on prices now that you had to advertise what you paid for them.
never show your poker hand before the last round of betting.
i can hear it now:

" hell no i'm not giving you $100 for them blue plastics, you only paid $100 for all of it, i'll give you $25"
I was going to say, the beauty of it is he only paid $100 for the entire pile so even if he gets talked down on 4 items, he's made his money completely back and still has all of the other parts for free....
just trying to teach the kid the way of the parts hustling world, never disclose what you paid for stuff right before trying to sale it.

i've got a royal flush, who wants to bet ????
I know but I'm not gonna hustle you guys ! But eBay and Craigslist ! Yeah lol .

but your already getting hustled yourself....
"hell yeah, sale me some cheap parts"

make your money son, for fair market price.