Not Sure What's Wrong With My Blaster


New Member
Jan 26, 2009
Central Illinois
Well i was out riding my blaster today and i put the thing in neutral and went into our garage to get my helmet and gloves and then all of the sudden i hear my blaster reving itself way up by itself so i run outside to see what the hell is goin on and the thing is still sitting there but its sounds like its about to fricken explode or something. WTH? So i run and jump on it and i turn the key and the off/run switch off and it doesn't turn off. I started to panic and i shifted it into first and let go of the clutch and killed it. I noticed that one of the cables that go into the clutch lever was a little loose and i put it back in and i started it and it was fine. So i put some electrical tape on it to keep it there but then it started to do it again. Any help???