newbie from pa

yeah shee, there's still a zilla or 2 around here. i can find out how much. i can't remember if the hall motor or t&n one is for sale. i'll check with him maybe tomorrow or i'll see him this weekend when we go riding

i already got a zilla, getting another one tomorrow, dont think i have any more room for a third. plus IIRC, qz87's zilla wasn't a fast one lol.
yeah i think you already know who has one of his of them he still has is a full drag port hall motor. it's a pretty strong runner for sure. i think the other is t&n or maybe a hall not sure
hey everyone, awk invited me over. i'm from the breezewood,pa area. anyway nice sight guy's i'll keep checking things out

hey man cool another pas rider thats awsome there r never enough of us pa riders and if u get the chance u have to ride at breezewood proving ground its a pro track but its sooo much fun if ur into going fast and jumpin
i've been to the proving ground's several times. i'm right over the mountain from the track. i usually just hop on the bike and ride it over there