My good deed for the week


Dec 18, 2011
New Jersey
As as some of ya know, Im on vacation in wildwood nj. Same place where my BIG race will be in 3 months, and the same place that inspired me to race. But anyways, me and my mom were hanging with her friend today, and so later tonight we walked the boardwalk. It was an awesome day!

As we were walking off the boardwalk, we went to our friends car that was parked into a lot, said goodbye, and as she was pulling out, i hear some screaming and a bit of noise. And I'm like wtf!?!?

I see a mother father and 6 year old running down the street. Heard the dad screaming. Now this was like 9-10pm so I just figured the kid was running away intot the street, and the parents were chasing after. Rite before the end of the sidewalk, I see the kid stop, but the father and mother was still running. They were about 50' behind the child. The child stops I front of the street, and the mother and father kept running.

I watch for a few seconds, and was trying to figure out Wht was going on. It Seemed weird that the mother father were still running and the kid stopped and we t behind a car. Finally the mother stops running and puts her arms I front of her face. Almost like a feedle position but standing. So I start walking over there. And me while my moms screaming at me to stop. While I was walking, I see the guy shoved her and she got knocked pretty far. I was still walking towards them waiting for theist second to get involved. Just incase things got better. After that, I see him raise his arm behind his head and Wht looked like hit her pretty hard. I start to run now. I see it 3 more times. So I scream " yo!! Hey!!! Hey!!!!!" the guy stops hitting her and turns around and looks at me.

I see the kid and mother grab hands and start to walk behind him so he dident see. When they got to the point of where I thought he might see him, I circled him so he turned and had his back toward the mother and kid. They both start running down the street. I see them about a good distance away, and start asking the guy what he's doing and be replies " I'm trying to get my keys from my wife" I reply " really? Then how come u were chasing both of them down the streets, and u were hitting ur wife then" the guy start to get very defensive and up in my face. So I started to " talk Italian" which means talking with your hands. So that there's distance between u and the other person. But I never touch him.

I look in the corner of my eyes and I see the mother and child gone. They guy and I extanged a few words, he threaten me. And he edventually started to walk off. He did not run. Which I thought was good. He calmed down a little. Meanwhile my mom's is grabbing my arm and trying to run away with me from tht guy. So edventually we started to follow him. Till we got back to my moms friends car, and I just watch to make sure I dident see them together or anything bad. My mom calls 911 and police come with in 5 mins. But before they came, we were gone and standing on our hotel balcony watching the police.

The police found the mother father, and started questioning them and such some bistander pointed out what happened, and Both got into the car and left. ( I think the kid was in the car while the police were there questioning.

Now I don't know of anything that happened before that. I acted on what I saw. An that was a man chasing a women with her 6 year old child down the road I which looked like he was Eaither raping or try to steel something from her. I don't know if he really hit her. But from behind that's what it liked like. Also she was in a very defensive position from him. It looked like she was hurting pretty bad, and from what I saw as I was running was him hitting her a few more times.

Note tho, that the whole time this was going on, there were about 200 some people standing on their hotel balconies watching, the parking lot in which the car was parked, the 2 owner just watched, and some other people walking on the opiate side of the street and down the street just watched. Out of how many people were watching, NOT 1 DID SOMETHING!!

My point of posting this is not to revive any special awards or ANYTHING!!! My point of posting this was to get these points across.

-something can always be done to help society. Just me screaming "hey" got him to stop beating her. And that was from over 50' away.

-just because something is happening I front of you, dosent mean it should be happening. Even what to me looked like a child running into the street and the parents running after to stop him dident mean I should have turned my back and think nothing of it. If I had just watched like EVERYONE else did, she probs would have Eaither been on the ground bleeding with her 6 year old child watching, or in the hosiptal. But because of a simple 3 letter word stopped that from happening. The running up to him and talking to him was for a destruction for the mother and child to run.

A little something you should know about Wildwood-
I've been comming here for 15 years. All my life. My mom for 50 years. All her life, and my grandparents for over 50 years. It is a HUGE family place and has always been. Never I have ever seen anything bad like that happen since I've been comming here. So it's not a bad place. Btw. As I was walking across the street, I had only 1 person thank me.
that kinda sh*t might get some lead in yo ass someday, you never can tell these days
it'd been best to call 911 and let to po-po handle it

and check your auto correct, it just posted "opiate street"
Reminds me of the time i got suspended from school and put up in front of the school board for "assualting" the senior quarter back in high school. lets just say, i wasnt in a good mood, and i happened to walk around the corner as he decided to throw his girlfriend against the locker. he proceeded to slap her, and i proceeded to walk up and choke slam him against the lockers, and as i happen to do it, the principal walked out, and all i said was, touch her again and ill f**king kill you.

In the end, the camera footage was either lost, or it didnt record the moment, just their word over mine.i was allowed to graduate, i just got everything pulled, so i graduated with a 3.8 gpa, and no honors. no mentions. hell i didnt even get to walk.
No. Not brave. It was just the rite thing to do. I wasn't gonna sit there and watch a guy beat up his "wife" in front of a child who he himself could have gotten hurt himself. That sh*t dosent pass in my book

yes brave like awk said and i was thinking tht dude could've shot you and then what would have happened who would be the next innocent pedestrian to help u when a guy with a gun is standing next to you??/ yes your brave end it at tht
Well yea h could of had a gun. But he dident. And everyone walked away untouched. Well kinda. My main goal was to stop him hitting/ chasing her. Not to get involved with him. And that's Wht I did. Neve touched him and he never touched me.
good call on stepping in! if you dont do something about whats going on,noone will and 911 is always to far away! the world is a better place with guys like you!
stay vigilant!
Good job man, guys shouldn't touch girls I had a fight with a kid who chocked a girl and told him to meet me in the bath room he tried to haymaker me and I threw one quick straight shot to the lip and it was over, max rep to you
are we just assuming this was a domestic dispute ???
or could it have been a 2 bit crack whore trying to steal this mans car and money ???
point is...
the minute a woman makes a conscious decision to stop acting like a lady, she stops getting treated as one
are we just assuming this was a domestic dispute ???
or could it have been a 2 bit crack whore trying to steal this mans car and money ???
point is...
the minute a woman makes a conscious decision to stop acting like a lady, she stops getting treated as one

Well as I found out today, they got out of the car, we're staring to go on the board walk, he got mad and started to punch her. That Wht some ppl told me today. And no she was not a hooker, cause they don't exist in wildwood. The police would probs pick them up and bring them somewhere else. And she also had a 6 yo child.