
Value wise, you can't beat the Scott goggles. I ride in cold weather allot and always like that I could get the dual pane for winter riding and tinted for summer riding.
i like my scott goggles, but then again im always using my spy goggles.

so i guess its a toss up between spy, scott and dragon for me.
I bought a cheap pair on EBay for like $10 Only used them once but they seem ok. How do you guys like the tinted goggles? What about the orangish tinted goggles. I ride at the dunes

The dual pane lens I speak of are virtually fog proof, a big help in cold mountain riding. I've used the tinted but not dark tinted in summer time, I guess they are like polarized or something. They reduce glare and increase contrast. I've never tried any of the colored lens. I would think that the lens like I'm talking about would be good for the desert, they improve contrast and that might help with depth perception.
I have cheap oakly's that are clear

We have used sunglasses and safety glasses just fine

As for tints....

Clear is good for anything but looking at the sun or something that glares
Yellow is good for dusk rides where theres shadows and you need a little extra light
Tinted are only good for bright sunny days, any darkness and you cant see