Decision time!!!

If you really want to get the best lows out of a DMC, a reed spacer plate between reed block and cylinder, +4 ignition advance.
Keep the stock 26 mm carby.
you don't need the reed spacer unless u r using a bigger carb to clear the clutch arm but it is a good cheap mod like Blaaster said to give u more torque and low end power
Im running a bills header and dg silencer i know dg aint the best silencer but the bill header is a real beaut and has really good dyno reviews maybe that mixed with power core silencer might be what your after?? Would sound good and actually have a performance noticablibility if jetted
that bills looks sweet
i ended up going with the dmc for multiple reasons - mainly due to the woman who spends all my money lol
and i think it will suit my riding style the best it's gets here in 2 days cant wait to get the ol blaster rippen again. very excited to see what the difference will be after the vforce reeds, pipe, and uni filter.
after a proper plug chop and rejet ofcourse.
my blaster still has the oil pump and tors, you guys think i should block off or leave it?
i will be in there anyway to install a new clutch so ... ????
Leave the oil injection well alone, providing you observe cleanliness and bleed the system if you flip over, it will not give you any problems.

It also delivers the correct amount of oil for a 200cc engine.

It would be a great idea to remove the TORS, as it has been known to cause multiple problems.