complete water proofing?


New Member
Feb 19, 2010
seems like this has probably been covered by now, but my search didn't find anything related except air box info. i would like to theoretically submerge my blaster up to the handle bars, or at least the seat. i know how to make a snorkel and water proof air box, but how do i keep it from getting into my exhaust around the joints? also is there anything else i would have to water proof, like the carb? maybe where the spark plug wire meets the spark plug? i know ill need to water proof the wires, that will be easy enough. im mostly worried about exhaust and anything im forgetting. or am i just trying to take my blasty too far. i don't plan to actually submerge it, but i want it to be capable of it if i do cross a creek that's too deep, or if i sink it trying to get out of a mud hole.
why not get a quad made for this. water up to the handlebars on a blaster is asking for trouble.
Agreed^^^^! don't do it. your asking for problems and i really dont think you would get out of a mud hole if it was up to the bars. Just pump up the motor and skim across the water, I've seen it done!
Among many other problems with submerging a blaster would be that the cylinder would rapidly (and violently) shrink when the piston would still be hot.

Sounds like a good way to induce a 4 point siezure.

You probably need to look around for a 4 stroke utility quad (preferrably liquid cooled) if you are planning on submerging it. I bought my bayou 400 for $300 and that's mainly what I use it for... ponds at busco!
right on. thanks for the heads up. i didnt even consider the cylinder shriking. wow, i cant believe i missed that. lol. long as i water proof my wires ill be ok to speed thru water? im so used to slowin down cuz i havent made an air box yet and it was cut out when i bought it.