cleaning tips


New Member
Jul 21, 2008
=))please post cleaning tip for fourwheelers here- aluminium foil work god to clean rims , but you have to clean with the rim not against it or else you coul scratch it, mothers cleaning products are good, if you have a scratch in your paint use Nu Finishe wax, it we make the scratch disapear, ive used it on bikes and to help my dad clean his car and it works greatI:I:)B-):-D
i use armour all for like everything lol. just coat it all in armourall and its all shiney! but i need something that can make some fine scratches in my plastics go away. you said that nu finish stuff is for paint. any ones for plastic that do the same? my plastics are all covered in stickers btw so nothing thats guna wreck them or disolve the sh*t that makes them stick.
ive heard of usin d\steel wool for placstic, it makes really small scrtch like things that make the big sctarct leave, but m not sur how to do it, maybe if u clear coted ur plastic or somthin i donno,